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Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha

Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha

Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha is honoured by the gurus' noble devotion. It's the day when worshippers can purify their thoughts, emotions, and spirits.

Fasting throughout the day also stimulates the digestion process.

On the fortunate day of Rishi Panchami, people listen to rishi Panchami vrat Katha to bring prosperity to themselves with custom astrology.

Rishi Panchami is the day of thanking our gurus for providing us with all the knowledge and experience in life.

Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha

  • No. of Pages : 7 Pages
  • PDF Size : 434 KB
  • Language : Hindi


Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha

As per the tradition, there once lived a Brahmin with his devoted wife in Vidarbha country. The Brahmin was having a son and a daughter.

He married his daughter to a cultured Brahmin man but the girl’s husband met with an untimely death, rendering the girl to lead the life of a widow.

She came back to her father’s place and began living there again. Some days later, the girl got worms all over the body. It created problems for her.

This worried her parents, who visited Rishi to seek a solution to the problem. The enlightened Rishi peeped into the past lives of the Brahmin’s daughter.  

Rishi told the Brahmin and his wife that their daughter had breached a religious rule in her past life. She had touched some kitchen utensils while she was menstruating.

Thus, she had invited the sin which was getting reflected in her present birth.

It is stated in the holy scriptures that a woman who is in menstruation period should not touch religious things and kitchenware.

Rishi further told them that the girl had not observed the Rishi Panchami Vrat, that is the reason why she had to face these consequences.

The Rishi also told the Brahmin that if the girl undertakes the Rishi Panchami fast with full faith and devotion and seeks forgiveness for her sins, she will get rid of her past actions (karma) and become free of the worms on her body.

The girl did what she was told by her father and she got free of the worms.

ऋषि पंचमी व्रत कथा

विदर्भ देश में उत्तंक नामक एक सदाचारी ब्राह्मण देव रहते थे। उनकी पत्नी बड़ी पतिव्रता थी, जिसका नाम सुशीला था। उन ब्राह्मण के एक पुत्र तथा एक पुत्री दो संतान थी। विवाह योग्य होने पर उन्होने समान कुलशील वर के साथ कन्या का विवाह कर दिया। दैवयोग से कुछ दिनों बाद वह विधवा हो गई। दुःखी ब्राह्मण दम्पति कन्या सहित गंगा तट पर कुटिया बनाकर रहने लगे।

एक दिन ब्राह्मण कन्या सो रही थी कि उसका शरीर कीड़ों से भर गया। कन्या ने सारी बात माँ से कही। माँ ने पति से सब कहते हुए पूछा: प्राणनाथ! मेरी साध्वी कन्या की यह गति होने का क्या कारण है?

उत्तंक जी ने समाधि द्वारा इस घटना का पता लगाकर बताया: पूर्व जन्म में भी यह कन्या ब्राह्मणी थी। इसने रजस्वला होते ही बर्तन छू दिए थे। इस जन्म में भी इसने लोगों की देखा-देखी भाद्रपद शुक्ल पंचमी अर्थात ऋषि पंचमी का व्रत नहीं किया। इसलिए इसके शरीर में कीड़े पड़े हैं।

धर्म-शास्त्रों की मान्यता है कि रजस्वला स्त्री पहले दिन चाण्डालिनी, दूसरे दिन ब्रह्मघातिनी तथा तीसरे दिन धोबिन के समान अपवित्र होती है। वह चौथे दिन स्नान करके शुद्ध होती है।यदि यह शुद्ध मन से अब भी ऋषि पंचमी का व्रत करें तो इसके सारे दुःख दूर हो जाएंगे और अगले जन्म में अटल सौभाग्य प्राप्त करेगी।

पिता की आज्ञा से पुत्री ने विधिपूर्वक ऋषि पंचमी का व्रत एवं पूजन किया। व्रत के प्रभाव से वह सारे दुःखों से मुक्त हो गई। अगले जन्म में उसे अटल सौभाग्य सहित अक्षय सुखों का भोग मिला।

Significance Of Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha

Rishi Panchami isn't really a celebration, however a fast is kept by the women to show respect and dedication to the Sapta Rishis.

By participating in activities such as accepting a sacred bath, offering panchamrit to Sapta-Rishi figurines, applying sandalwood and vermillion tilak, offering sapt rishi sweets, meals, and fragranced incense, wearing white clothing, and listening to the Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha.

The ancient Rishis who dedicate their lives to the evolution of society are honoured with reverence, thankfulness, and affection by the community.

An appropriate set of customary rites are used to fast.

Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha signifies the importance of the role played by rishi and gurus in making our society worth living.

This katha signifies the sins and bad deeds done by humans without knowing and the sagas provide solutions of washing away these sins and living a better life. 

Benefits Of Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha

There are many benefits of keeping a vrat in general, since fasting tends to give our digestive system a break and regain the power to perform functions properly.

Another reason for the Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha is that it denotes the remembrance of the sacrifices performed by the gurus in the past for our society.

People listen to the Rishi Panchami Vrat Katha on this day because these kathas tell all the great work done by sagas in the favour of a society in the past in the form of stories.


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A healthy mind dwells in healthy body and thus we have Nitesh, who helps the fitness enthusiast by helping them with right and well-researched content of the same industry.

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