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Tulsi Mata Ki Kahani

Tulsi is a plant of great significance within the Indian space and it holds a great deal of importance within Indian culture. It often takes up a central space in many homes and it is watered, provided lamps and even pujas are done to it.

The devotion of the culture to the plant originates from an old story of Tulsi Mata, who has been established as a very prominent figure within the Indian mythological space today. 

Tulsi Mata Ki Kahani

  • No. of Pages : 6 Pages
  • PDF Size : 459 KB
  • Language : Hindi


Tulsi Mata Ki Kahani

In the month of Kartik, each ladies went to watering Tulsi mother. Everyone would come in irrigation but an old lady would come and say - O basil mother! The donor of the soul, I will give you the water Tulsi Mataa Adua da Ladua give.

The Pitambera dhoti, give sweet sweet gas, give the breath of the bayuktha, give the tricks of death, give death of patki, give sandal of the moon Letting Jhalar jingle, give Sai ka Raja, give daal bhaat jiman, give eleven death, give krishna ka kantha.

Tulsi mother started hearing this. God asked Tulsi! Why are you drying up You have so many women coming everyday, you enjoy sweet pleasures, sings song. Tulsi Mata said that to old lady comes daily and this kind of thing is said.

I will complete all things but where will Krishna's shoulder be? God said - "He will die, so shall I give it" After some time old lady was dead. All the villagers gathered and took the old lady, but she became so heavy that she did not get to lift up by anyone.

Everyone said - so used to recite the rituals, turning the garlands of sin to be destroyed, yet how so much has happened. God came in the form of an old Brahmin and asked - How are these crowds? Then the people standing there said that this old lady is dead

Papin was so heavy that no one is getting to lift up from anyone. God said, let me say one thing in his ear, maybe get up. 

God went to the old lady and said in the ear - take out the old mind, take the axis, take the gourd, take the Pitamber's dhoti, take sweet sweet grass, take the breath of the bayakunth, take the move of the goat, take the lump of sandalwood and spread it .
Take the jhankar, daal rice rice, and ... Take Krishna's kantha too. It was to hear that the old lady became lighter.

God took his shoulder and the old woman got salvation. O basil mother! Like the liberation of old Mai, curry us and give it to everyone, just like she got her shoulder. Say Tulsi's mother ... .. Jai !!!

तुलसी माता की कहानी

कार्तिक महीने में एक बुढिया माई तुलसीजी को सींचती और कहती कि हे तुलसी माता ! सत की दाता मैं तेरा बिडला सीचती हूँ , मुझे बहु दे , पीताम्बर की धोती दे , मीठा मीठा गास दे , बैकुंठा में  वास दे , चटक की चाल दे ,  पटक की मोत दे , चंदन का काठ दे , रानी सा राज दे , दाल भात का भोजन दे ग्यारस की मोंत दे , कृष्ण जी का कन्धा दे | 

तब तुलसी माता यह सुनकर सूखने लगी तो  भगवान ने पूछा – की हे तुलसी ! तुम क्यों सुख़ रही हो ? तुलसी माता ने कहा कि एक बुढिया रोज आती है और यही बात कह जाती है | में सब बात तो पूरा कर दूँगी लेकिन कृषण का कन्धा कहा से लाऊंगी  | तो भगवान बोले जब वो मरेगी तो में अपने आप कंधा दे आऊगा | तू बुढिया माई से कह देना  |

बाद में बुढिया माई मर गई | सब लोग आ गये | जब माई को ले जाने लगे तो वह किसी से न उठी | तब भगवान एक बारह बरस के बालक का रूप धारण करके आये |  बालक ने कहा में कान में एक बात कहूँगा  तो बुढिया माई उठ जाएगी |

बालक ने कान में कहा , बुढिया माई मन की निकाल ले , पीताम्बर की धोती ले , मीठा मीठा गास ले , बेकुंठा का वास ले , चटक की चल ले , पटक की मोत ले ,  कृषण जी का कन्धा ले यह सुनकर बुढिया माई हल्की हो गई | भगवान ने कन्धा दिया और बुढिया माई को मुक्ति मिल गई | हे तुलसी माता जेसे बुढिया माई को मुक्ति दी वेसे सबको देना |

Significance of Tulsi Mata Ki Kahani

The story talks of an Asura named Jalandhara, who was born out of anger felt by Lord Shiva toward lord Indra. He was as strong as Shiva and was married to a Devotee of Lord Vishnu named Vrinda.

She had many yogic powers, and Jalandhara became even stronger with her on his side. Whenever he would fight, she would pray to Lord Vishnu.

Once, Jalandhara fought the devas, who knew that they could not beat Jalandhara while Vrinda prayed to Lord Vishnu. Recognizing this, they sent lord Vishnu to interrupt her, and he disguised himself as her husband and asked her to stop.

The moment she did, Lord Shiva was able to strike Jalandhara down and kill him in battle. Vrinda was able to realize this at that moment. She also realized that she had been created by the object of her Devotion Lord Vishnu. 

Benefits of Tulsi Mata Ki Kahani

In a fit of rage, she spoke of how Lord Vishnu should have protected her and her husband from death, but he stood by. She crushed him to be trapped in stone due to his sins.

Lord Vishnu was trapped in a Shalingram, while Vrinda was reborn as a Tulsi plant.

This is the reason behind the prominence of tulsi mata ki kahani within Indian culture and the reason why the plant holds such a strong position of power and significance.

vardhan bhardwaj

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About the Author

Vardhan Bhardwaj reviews health and fitness products at ankuraggarwal.in. He has been with the company since the beginning. He started his career as an intern in Bollywood news based company named Celeb Mantra where he was managing the content editing.

He reviews fitness products including health care devices. He did his graduation in Bachelor of Commerce from Delhi University and has been living in Delhi since his birth. He likes to stay updated on general awareness and hates interrupted internet connections. He likes to stay fit thus is a fitness enthusiast.

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