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Vegetable Names

Vegetables are rich in various sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

High dietary fiber can lower blood pressure, lessen the risk of cardiovascular diseases, prevent cancer, reduce the risk of retinal issues, and positively impact blood sugar, which can help control hunger.

There are several reasons why nutritionists advise people to consume more vegetables, and here's why the intake of fresh vegetables is so beneficial to your health.

Learn more about the vegetable names, types, uses, and health benefits in our day-to-day lifestyle. Read more to clarify your doubts about the vegetables in the frequently asked questions section.

In this guide, we ranked and reviewed the 19 best Vegetables Name In English along with our top 3 choices, so that you can pick the best one for you.

Vegetables Name in English

What are vegetables?

Let's determine what qualifies as fruit and what characteristics identify a vegetable. At the same time, you'll learn some interesting facts.

Vegetables arise from plants without seeds, including all edible portions of a plant, such as roots, stems, and leaves.

Vegetables are classified into several types; it takes part in contributing vitamins and minerals. Each vegetable is grouped according to its edible portion and has several advantages and unique properties.

The benefits of eating vegetable

We all know that eating veggies are good for us, and adding any veggie count toward your health gain. There are many tasty and healthy root veggies to choose from, each with health advantages.

Good examples are starchy vegetables (such as potatoes), leafy greens, canned tomatoes, and frozen spinach.

Here are some of the critical reasons why veggies are so healthy for your health to encourage you to maintain your diet.

  • Fight against inflammation.
  • Improve blood pressure.
  • Lowers the risk of heart disease.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Keep your brain active.
  • Boost your immune health

Types of vegetables

Leafy Vegetables
Leafy green vegetables are an essential component of a balanced diet. They're high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber while also low in calories.

The following list is some of the healthiest leafy green veggies you should consume.

  • lettuce
  • Kale
  • Microgreens
  • spinach
  • Cabbage
  • silverbeet

Marrow is categorized as a cucurbit, implying it belongs to a particular family as melon, cucumber, squash, and courgette. Some of the veggies under the category of marrow are.

  • cucumber
  • Pumpkin
  • zucchini

Root Vegetables
The crops that are primarily grown underground are known as rooty vegetables. They come in a wide range of tastes and may be cooked in various ways.

Root vegetables have long been regarded as a tasty addition to a balanced diet. The list of root vegetables includes:

  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Celeriac

There are roughly 500 species embedded in the Allium genus. Several types of allium vegetables have been utilized as a traditional medicine to treat certain disorders.

The most commonly used allium vegetables are

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Leeks
  • Chives

Peas & Beans
The peas and beans are also grouped under the vegetable. Dark green, red, and orange vegetables, starchy vegetables, and legumes are all taken into account under the peas and beans vegetable food category.

The following vegetables are mentioned as part of my lunch plate's beans and peas category.

  • Black Beans.
  • Chickpeas
  • Kidney Beans.Navy Beans.

The following list comprises the all vegetables name in hindi and english with their uses and benefits of adding veggies to our healthy diet.

Names of vegetable

1. Potato

Potatoes are a good root vegetable that is commonly available.

Children are prone to eating crispy potatoes embedded with the micronutrients that help boost an individual's immunity.

They may also help with digestion and fight against specific manifestations of aging.

The Hindi name for potato is आलू (aaloo).


  • Packed with nutrients
  • It contains antioxidants.
  • It may improve digestive health.

2. Tomato

The tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) is a fruit that originated in South America.

Tomatoes are usually red when fully grown, although they can also be green, yellow, or purple.

It also lowers the risk of heart disease and cancer. This page will provide you with all of your information about tomatoes.

The hindi name for tomato is टमाटर (tamaatar).


  • Improves the heart health
  • It promotes skin health.
  • Prevention of cancer

3. Cabbage

Cabbage is a highly nutritious vegetable, and it has excellent health benefits, with exceptionally high levels of vitamins.

Cabbage can help in maintaining a healthy diet. Consuming the cabbage may reduce digestion, illness, and inflammation.

The Hindi name for cabbage is पत्ता गोभी (Patta gobhee).

The following reveals some of the surprising health advantages of cabbage, which are scientifically proven.


  • Cabbage is a nutrient-dense vegetable.
  • It might assist in reducing inflammation.

4. Garlic

Garlic has been thought to have therapeutic effects for thousands of years.

Garlic was best known for curing several ailments, and contemporary research has proven many of these health benefits.

It can also act as a blood-thinning medication. The hindi name for garlic is लहसुन (lahasun).

The following list consists of the health benefits of garlic are


  • Garlic is rich in chemicals that have therapeutic benefits.
  • Garlic is abundant in nutrients yet low in calories.

5. Ginger

Ginger is a flowering plant of a Southeast Asian origin. It's one of the world's healthiest spices because of its numerous health benefits.

It can be applicable in several ways, including fresh, dried, powdered, or as an oil or juice; ginger can be supplemented to a healthy diet.

The hindi name for ginger is अदरक (adarak). The following comprises of nutritional health benefits of ginger.


  • Gingerol is a potent medicinal compound found in this product.
  • It contains a chemical that may aid in cancer prevention.

6. Capsicum

Due to their high vitamin C content, bell peppers support several processes, including collagen production, wound repair, and immune system function.

The Hindi name for capsicum is शिमला मिर्च (Shimla Mirch). Here are some reasons why you ought to consume capsicums every day.


  • Capsicum is suitable for your immune system and digestive system.
  • Capsicum aids in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems.

7. Brinjal

The term "eggplants" refers to types that have an egg-like form.

The fruit of this plant is frequently eaten as a vegetable and is very nutritious.

In conventional medicine, the fruit and other plant components are utilized.

The Hindi name for brinjal is बैंगन (Baingan). The following consists of numerous health benefits of brinjal.


  • It is suitable for people with diabetes.
  • It is enriched with fibre content.

8. Onion

The most frequently grown member of the genus Allium is the onion, sometimes called the bulb onion.

Onions are a great source of flavonoids and antioxidants, increasing the quantity and quality of sperm produced.

The Hindi name for onion is प्याज़ (Pyaaz). The list comprises the health benefits of onions.


  • It is enriched with nutrients.
  • It could be good for heart health.
  • It could improve digestive health.

9. Lady’s finger

Pectin is a kind of fiber found in ladies' fingers.

This fiber aids specifically in lowering cholesterol, primarily by eliminating any deposits and clots.

The Hindi name for lady’s finger is महिला की उंगली (Mahila kee ungalee).

The following has some of the health benefits of a lady's finger.


  • It also promotes healthy skin and eye vision.
  • Intake of a lady's finger boosts immunity.

10. Cauliflower

A cruciferous vegetable enormously enriched with fiber and B-vitamin content is cauliflower.

It offers phytonutrients and antioxidants that can fight against cancer.

It also contains fiber to aid weight loss and digestion. The Hindi name for cauliflower is फूलगोभी (Phoolagobhee).

Some of the health benefits of cauliflower are


  • Cauliflower has excellent nutritional content.
  • It is packed with high fiber.
  • It could help with weight loss.

11. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a large, wholesome orange vegetable that is packed with nutrients.

Although it has few calories, it is high in vitamins and minerals, which are also present in its seeds, leaves, and fluids. 

The Hindi name for pumpkin is कद्दू (Kaddoo). The following list consists of the nutritional benefits of pumpkin.


  • It reduces the risk of chronic diseases that its high antioxidant content may lower.
  • It has low-calorie content and high nutrient density, which may help people lose weight.

12. Carrot

Carrots are root vegetables that are usually orange in color. However, they have some varieties that have numerous shades.

Antioxidants found in carrots defend the body from damaging free radicals.

The Hindi name for carrot is गाजर (Gaajar). Some of the health benefits of carrots include


  • Calcium and vitamin K, found in carrots, are crucial for healthy bones.
  • It is a source of dietary carotenoids in abundance.
  • It might promote intestinal health.

13. Beetroot

Folate, a vitamin B9 found in abundance in beets, aids cell growth and process.

Ideal potassium levels are maintained by regularly consuming beet juice.

The Hindi name for beetroot is चुकंदर (Chukandar).  The following consists of the health benefits of beetroot.


  • It has few calories and a lot of nutrients.
  • It has the potential to reduce inflammation.
  • It might enhance intestinal health.

14. Broccoli

The Hindi name for broccoli is ब्रोकोली (Brokolee). Due to its nutritional profile, broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables.

This superfood is rich in fiber, cancer-fighting antioxidants, and vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron.

Some of the health benefits of broccoli include the following


  • It is beneficial for heart health.
  • It helps to maintain a healthy hormonal balance.
  • It may boost the immune system.

15. Corn

Fiber and plant-active ingredients in corn may benefit ocular and intestinal health. 

But when ingested in excess, it has a high starch content, can cause blood sugar to surge, and may stop weight reduction.

The Hindi name for corn is मक्का (Makka). Some of the health benefits of corn include


  • It has whole-grain advantages packed into corn.
  • It contains protective antioxidants
  • It helps in maintaining a healthy diet

16. Coriander

Drinking coriander water in the morning might increase metabolism and aid in better daily digestion. 

Vitamins K, C, and A are crucial for the health and development of hair.

The Hindi name for coriander is धनिया (Dhaniya). The following are some of the nutritional benefits of coriander:


  • It may aid in blood sugar reduction.
  • It is antioxidants that support the immune system.

17. Cucumber

Cucumbers can help with digestion since they are high in water and dietary fiber.

Consuming a cucumber every day will assist you in overcoming bowel movement problems and promoting healthy regularity.

The Hindi name for cucumber is खीरा (Kheera). Some of the health benefits of cucumbers include the following:


  • It helps to detoxify and cleanse the body.
  • It protects the health of your brain.
  • It alleviates constipation and reduces the likelihood of cancer.

18. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are a great source of essential nutrients that can keep you healthy while losing weight.

They are regarded as low-glycemic meals that effectively support weight maintenance since they do not immediately boost blood sugar levels.

The Hindi name for sweet potato is शकरकंद (Shakarakand). The following list comprises the health benefits of sweet potatoes:


  • It might aid in keeping your vision safe and enhance mental performance.
  • It might encourage healthy skin and hair.
  • It may boost the immune system.

19. Mushroom

A solid amount of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals, such as those found in mushrooms, can help to promote healthy, strong hair as well as prevent hair loss and other issues.

The Hindi name for mushroom is मशरूम (Masharoom). Some of the health benefits of cucumbers include the following:


  • It promotes retinal health.
  • It is also boost the immune system.


Vegetables are of different types based on colors, shapes, sizes, and origins that give us energy and essential nutritional gain to lead a healthy and happier life.

Although the vegetables listed above are excellent nutrient-dense additions to your diet, there are many more that are just as nutritious.

To get the most out of your health, strive to eat various veggies, and please make sure they're part of a well-balanced diet.

Most veggies are high in antioxidants and a variety of crucial vitamins and minerals, and many have health-promoting characteristics.  

This blog gives you a better understanding of the vegetable names, types, and health benefits. Vegetables consist of plenty of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in them.

So, it is essential to add veggies daily to your diet. Combine these delectable root veggies with a range of other nutrient-dense items for the most outstanding outcomes in terms of nutrition and health.

I hope you liked our article on vegetables name in english, if you have any comments or suggestions do share them in the comments below. 

frequently asked question

1. What are the 10 vegetables' names?

The following list consists of the ten vegetable names, which include

  • Cucumber

  • Sweat potato

  • Celery

  • Drumstick

  • Bottle gourd

  • Leek

  • Yam 

  • Yash gourd

  • Chayote

  • Bok Choy

2. What is the English name of all vegetables?

The English names for all the vegetables include the following lists:

  • Tomato

  • Onion 

  • Potato

  • White Goose Foot

  • Turnip

  • Spinach

  • Turmeric 

  • Pumpkin 

  • Garlic

  • Ginger

  • Green Beans 

  • Radish

  • Lady Finger

  • Mushroom 

3. What are the 10 best vegetables?

The ten best vegetables that help you promote your health include the following:

  • Spinach

  • Brussels Sprouts 

  • Carrots

  • Broccoli

  • Green peas

  • Garlic

  • Kale

  • Beets

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Red Cabbage


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About the Author

Babita takes care of Informational Content Writing Expert at ankuraggarwal.in. She has started her career as a video-editor with a reputed news magazine Punjab Kesari in the year 2018.

Though after joining the ankuraggarwal.in, she is living up her passion by getting herself acquainted with latest fashion trend. She is a fashionista who loves shopping. Her favorite past time is reading fashion blogs and binge watch Netflix.

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